Our Holistic services bring peace of mind, healing, and an understanding of balancing your energy. We offer Holistic services because beauty begins on the inside. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey we have services that nurture your holistic wellbeing and put you in touch with the energy flowing through you.

Spiritual Foot Soak: A warm relaxing foot soak infused with Crystals, Gemstones, Essential Oils, Fresh Flowers & Herbs, Salts, and Spiritual washes curated to cleanse your Aura, balance your Chakras, raise your vibration, ease tension, stress, and anxiety. (30 Mins)

Spiritual bath: Using natural ingredients, this treatment is designed to peacefully uplift, cleanse, and align you on a spiritual vibration. Cleansing away negativity, lethargy, low vibration, dim aura, and unbalanced Chakras leaving you feeling relaxed, refreshed, and rejuvenated. To enhance your experience leave a brief description of your concern in the comment box to get a customized bath prepared for your session. Great as a stand alone session or as an addition to any of our holistic treatments. 

*smudging with the use of Sage or Palo Santo may or may not be used.

*a mist of essential oils, herbs, and spring water may be sprayed during this treatment. (60 Mins)

Spiritual Energy Cleanse: A methodology used to balance all aspects of body, mind, and spirit that includes the practice of assessing one’s energy and providing ways to renew and restore balance. A spiritual Energy Cleanse is a customized session where work is done with the life-force energy coming from within and radiating beyond the body. It consists of the inner face of the Chakras combined with the outer face of the aura that can develop “energy gaps” from years of leaving bits and pieces of energy behind. This leaves the person open to absorbing other energies indiscriminately, resulting in feeling exhausted, lethargic, and down.The process is customized to the needs of the client using energy healing, as well as different methods and tools for the cleansing. Price is per person, and can be booked as a group. (30 Mins)

Crystal Gemstone Healing Therapy: Gemstones are considered to be any rock, crystal, or stone used for jewelry and adornment. Ancient cultures believed that their beauty instilled them with magical powers. They help protect, enhance, uplift, and strengthen the Energy/Vibration. Our healing gemstone treatment can help reduce stress and anxiety by calming mental chatter and emotions, so that you may feel more centered, peaceful and calm. Can be an add on to an existing service or a full treatment. 

(60 Mins)

Yoni Steam Therapy: Yoni Steaming is a natural remedy that assists with cleansing the vagina and uterus, regulates menstruation, eases cramping and bloating, aids in fertility, skin irritations, tightening of the vaginal walls/muscles, and many more benefits. This service is done by safely infusing dry herbs with steam into the vaginal opening through a custom built chair in a private comfortable setting. 

(60 Mins) 

Reiki Energy Healing: Universal life-force energy transmitted through the palms of the hands that helps lift the spirits and provide balance to the whole self : body, mind, and spirit. (60 Mins)

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